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Chantel Wonder Serves as Featured Panelist in Accounts Recovery Livestream Presentation

Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani Miami Senior Counsel Chantel Wonder served as a panelist for “What Does a Good Anti-Hunstein Case Look Like?” for Accounts Recovery livestream channel on July 7, 2021.

There have been hundreds of lawsuits filed against collection agencies in the wake of the Hunstein ruling out of the Eleventh Circuit. Companies are now faced with the decision to fight these cases or settle. The industry needs good case law on this topic, to help others who have been sued. The panel shared insights as to the right kind of case to defend.

Wonder is a member of the Insurance, Commercial Litigation, Construction, and Consumer Protection Litigation practice groups.

This panel was sponsored by Applied Innovation. To learn more about Accounts Recovery livestream channel, please click here.