Cienna B. Hancock is an associate in the Dallas office of GRSM. She is a member of the Environmental & Toxic Tort practice group.
- Personal Jurisdiction: Open Season on Forum Shopping?, GRSM Law Update (November 2022)
- COVID-19 and International Economic Law, Currents: Journal of Economic Law Volume 24.2 (2021)
- Texas
- New Mexico
- State Bar of Texas
- Dallas Bar Association
- Dallas Association of Young Lawyers
- Phi Delta Phi
- J.D., South Texas College of Law, cum laude, 2022
- Presidential Fellow
- Dean’s Merit Scholarship
- Imogen S Papadopoulos ’84 Annual Scholarship
- Women’s Law Society, Board Member
- B.S., in Psychology, Texas A&M University, magna cum laude, 2018
- Minor in Philosophy
- Cornerstone Honors Student