Elena Oguiza is Of Counsel in the Seattle office of GRSM.
- The New Regime for U.S. Port Security: Legal Implications for Ships Calling on U.S. Ports, Athanasiou, Lia I., MARITIME SAFETY AND SECURITY: LEGAL IMPLICATIONS TO SHIPS, CARGO AND THE HUMAN ELEMENT 65-85 (Nomiki Bibliothiki, 2016).
Pre-Publishing Review
- Professor Thomas J. Schoenbaum, ADMIRALTY AND MARITIME LAW, 6th ed., Thomas Reuters, Washington, D.C. (Nov., 2018).
- Maritime Law Forum, Deusto University School of Law (May, 2018).
- Ninth Annual International Conference on Maritime Law, Athens, Greece (Oct., 2016).
- Washington
- J.D., Seattle University School of Law (2015)
- M.A., Education, San Diego State University (2003)
- B.A., Political Science, Point Loma Nazarene College (2000)