The February 23 issue of The Daily Journal includes a special supplement focusing on Health Care. San Diego Partner Linda Mullany and Senior Counsel David Leatherberry authored an article addressing the impact on the health care delivery system when nearly five million uninsured California residents become eligible for health care coverage when reform is implemented in January 2014. The vast majority of the newly eligible residents will be insured through Medi-Cal. However, as Linda and David explained, Med-Cal's beneficiary population is set to dramatically increase at the same time the state is planning to scale back Medi-Cal benefits and services.
The article also includes quotes from an interview David conducted with Shana Lavarreda (Ph.D., MPP), the lead author of a recent report by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research. Confirming the theme of Linda and David's article, Ms. Lavarreda said "the state still lacks any clear plan or direction for managing the imminent surge in Medi-Cal enrollment."