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Construction Receivable Recovery

Practice Contacts

Quinn Murphy


Multi-state receivable recovery can be daunting, but by partnering with our Construction Receivable Recovery Team, you can minimize write-offs and start collecting debt you are rightfully owed.  Based on years of experience pursuing recovery across the United States, we will craft a process that best suits your goals and meets your individualized business needs.  While the landscape of receivable recovery can be complex, efficiencies are gained by utilizing the nation’s only 50 state law firm combined with a regional approach to collection, with simple fine-tuning to meet the requirements of every jurisdiction. Let our construction receivable recovery help you recover more, write off less, and consolidate your multi-state collections to one national provider. 


Prior to taking on any engagement, we meet with clients to understand the nature of their business, the services provided, and the billing process.  Upon receipt of any specific matter, we complete an initial evaluation to help you determine the likelihood of success, whether defined as dollars collected or judgments obtained, or a combination of both.  We strategize with you throughout the recovery process enabling our clients to make well-informed business decisions. We then periodically help our clients reexamine their parameters based on hard recovery data to create an individualized plan that maximizes net recovery.


We provide information to our clients before taking action that helps our clients make prudent decisions about what accounts to pursue and not pursue. At our client’s direction, we have the ability to run asset searches at the onset to make sure there are assets sufficient to justify our client’s investment with us. Our pre-collection diligence allows us to advise our clients which accounts are likely uncollectible before they incur legal fees with us.


Our Construction Receivable Recovery Team pursues collection through every available means.  Recovery statistics are maintained by our team so that we can reevaluate collection parameters with our clients on a periodic basis. Mechanics lien attachment and enforcement, garnishment, debtor’s examination, bank sweep, real property, and asset foreclosures are all valuable tools utilized by our team to get you paid.


The true measure of a construction receivable recovery team is net recovery. We are committed to maximizing your recovery by utilizing legal process management to lower your costs and increase your net recovery. We expend a significant amount of time and resources to save you money, and in the end, your recovery reflects the difference.    

Our Construction Receivable Recovery Team was created to address our client’s concern that multi-state collection could not be efficiently pursued in today’s legal environment. From start to finish, our program was designed to minimize bad debt write-off and eliminate the need for a virtual rolodex of local attorneys throughout the United States.  We approach non-payment collection from the perspective of a business owner, and your net recovery will reflect that difference. 


GRSM Fast Facts

  • 15 Attorneys