Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani, LLP. logo.


GRSM has one of the preeminent fidelity practices in the United States. Our attorneys have investigated, negotiated and litigated claims under all types of fidelity and financial institution bonds and crime coverages and professional liability policies. We handle all phases of fidelity disputes and professional liability claims and offer advice on all fidelity, financial institution, D&O and professional liability matters, from the first notice of default or claim to final resolution.

Our core strengths include:

  • We conduct in-depth investigations to assess facts in complex claims, helping insurers discharge their obligations economically and efficiently.
  • We are intimately familiar with developments in fidelity and professional liability coverage and applicable policy and bond forms. We can help evaluate options and negotiate prompt settlements, often without the need for expensive litigation.
  • When settlement is not possible or warranted, we are able to litigate or arbitrate the most complex and document intensive claims efficiently and thoroughly. Combining thorough legal analysis with an aggressive litigation strategy, we can often resolve disputed claims cost effectively by dispositive motion.

  • Insurance carriers in connection with claims of employee dishonesty and other coverages under financial institution bonds, fidelity bonds, Mortgage Broker/Banker Bonds, and crime policies
  • U.S. and London underwriters, as coverage and monitoring counsel, in connection with claims under D&O liability and other professional liability policies and bonds
  • Fidelity clients in salvage matters throughout the United States
  • Reinsurance companies in many fidelity matters, including liquidation of primary and reinsuring carriers

Our attorneys participate actively in national fidelity organizations, such as the Fidelity Committee of the American Bar Association, the International Association of Defense Counsel and the Fidelity Law Association.

  • National coverage and monitoring counsel for Lloyd’s of London syndicates in connection with mortgage broker bonds and professional liability policies
  • Won summary judgment in a federal court for a U.S. insurer in connection with a $10 million warehouse lending claim under a financial institution bond
  • Won the dismissal of a claim and successfully defended an appeal in our representation of a fidelity insurer in a $5 million forgery claim arising from a lending fraud perpetrated by an insurance broker
  • Represented an international fidelity insurer in a $40 million fidelity claim arising from a health insurance fraud perpetrated on the federal government by four employees of a regional health insurance company, settling the claim, before litigation, for $65,000