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April 2018

Miami Partners Serve as Featured Panelists on The National Judicial College’s Class Action Interactive Webcast

On April 10, 2018, Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani Miami Partners David Gersten and Joseph Sacher served as panelists for a class action interactive webcast for The National Judicial College’s entitled, “To Certify or Not: That is the Question.” 

Gersten and Sacher, and two sitting trial judges, presented information and insight into numerous topics involving class action litigation. The program primarily provided education on pre-certification discovery, best practices when handling the class certification hearing, selection of class representatives and class counsel, and preparing certification orders that withstand appeal.

The audience participants were sitting trial judges from around the country. To listen to the webcast, please click here.

David M. Gersten
Joseph A. Sacher
